a professor showed us this video today in class and i am obsessed with it. wouldn't it be awesome if you could select little sections of space and just - zzzp! - fold them away for later?
i didn't start really listening to beck until... maybe this summer, even, when modern guilt came out. lame, considering he's been around since i was what, seven? i take much too long to decide i like things, and to get to know people. must be less tentative.
"I dried my tears & armed my fears
With ten thousand shields and spears,
Soon my Angel came again;
I was arm'd, he came in vain:
For the time of youth was fled
And grey hairs were on my head."
must drastically narrow thesis topic this week - off to firestone!
Labels: beck, blake, storage space
it is NASTY hot in princeton.
i received some new inspiration today for how to make this blog less like my angsty livejournal in high school. which it was becoming, in parts. no more attempts at generalization+universal truth. just the facts, ma'am.
i'm helping my roommate type responses to the backlog of emails she's accumulated in the past few weeks. she has a problem with her hands - kind of like carpal tunnel, but inoperable - that kicks in off and on and makes it impossible for her to type. so she's writing out responses by hand, which i will type up. the little slips of paper are spread out over our makeshift coffee table (bedspread, two boxes, a flimsy board torn off an old piano).
also i am wearing a bikini top. as i said, nasty hot.