a superficial judgment

why does a blog whose bread and butter is calling women ten thousand times skinnier and prettier than you "fat" until you want to escape down a crack between your couch cushions with a bag of extra crunchy cheetos and NEVER BE HEARD FROM AGAIN prominently feature an ad for "dietribe," a show about... normal-looking women? you'd say it's consistent, since they're normal-looking women being encouraged to diet, except that they're there, on the front page, and no one is calling them whales or claiming to have clawed out their eyes at the sight of them.

guys, sexism is over! whoo!

but really. sorry about how this blog is becoming "the hater." but i'll have plenty positive to say when exams are over tomorrow and i get to head to ICELAND, land of soothing hot springs and vibrating hallucinogenic pop music. here's a foretaste of all the THINGS FROM ICELAND THAT I LOVE that will soon appear on this blog: bjork's hair. because the woman herself, and her music, are too awesome to be discussed during the purgatory that is exam period. but those BRAIDS. look upon them, mortals, and be ENSNARED.


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